A little something I picked up

While preparing a post on Wawel tapestries (coming soon), came upon a pleasant surprise in the form of Magdalena Piwocka's book Arrasy króla Zygmunta Augusta. Rośliny [King Sigismund's Tapestries. Plants]. When I picked it up from the library (its twin publication - Arrasy króla Zygmunta Augusta. Rośliny [King Sigismund's Tapestries. Animals] - is nowhere to be found in Łódź during the lockdown) - I was astounded. It's a tiny thing - the size of a CD cover, the text is only a few pages long, but is more than worth reading, because of its credibility, a very interesting topic and a beautiful, richly illustrated edition.

Recommended to all readers - if only for the gorgeous pictures.

Magdalena Piwocka Arrasy króla Zygmunta Augusta. Rośliny, Kraków 2010.

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